There’s no doubt about it. There are so many Christian parenting books out there, so how do you know which ones are good? Which ones will be the most helpful to you? Which ones give biblical advice?
Parenting is a daunting task. You often feel in over your head, right? I’m sure it’s not just me! Since you’re overwhelmed you turn to books for advice.
However, as a Christian parent, you need to be cautious where you’re getting your advice from. The Bible is the ultimate guide for everything we need in life, including parenting. That’s why each of these books are based on God’s Word but give practical advice as well. Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned mom, you will find these books helpful and encouraging.
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What makes Christian Parenting Different?
When you think about what makes Christian parenting different from secular parenting, it would be helpful to not lose sight of our ultimate purpose. Most people would say their goal or purpose of parenting would be to raise successful adults. They will want their children to be well rounded and have a good education so they can get a good job.
As a Christian parent, your job is to point your children to Christ. You want your children to follow Jesus above all else and not just a bunch of rigid rules. Yes, they do need to have an education and develop their gifts and talents, but the purpose is to glorify God and point others to Him . . . not for personal success.
Because we want a different outcome as Christian parents, the way we parent should point toward our goals in parenting. You are not out looking for the latest parenting strategy. You are looking for more than having your children get into a good college and have a good job. Instead, you want to point your children to the Christian faith as you look to nurture the heart of your child. You want to impact future generations.
Christian Parenting Books
The following books aren’t books specifically for mothers but are such great Christian parenting books to have in your library. These are books that will encourage you and give guidance in being the parent God has called you to be. They will give you wise words and practical ways to capture your child’s heart.
Some of these books are great throughout your parenting journey, but I’ve also included a couple that are great for when your children are older. Since I have children ages 6-18 years old, I’m in the process of (or have in the past) parenting all ages . . . except adult children . . . and we’re just getting there!
I have either read each of the books below or have followed the author for a while. You can never be too careful in today’s world, so that’s why I want to be careful of which books I will personally recommend. I wanted to share the best books with you. Which will you start with?
1. Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
I wish I had read this book earlier in my parenting journey. If you are going to pick one book to read out of this list, I think this might be a top choice! In Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family, Paul David Tripp reminds us of the overall purpose of parenting and how we need the rescuing grace of God in every area of our parenting. There is no magic formula for raising children, but God has shown us many things by how He deals with us. Gospel-powered parenting is so powerful! This popular book is one of my favorite parenting books.
2. Raising Them Up
Israel Wayne is a respected Christian speaker and author, who I have been following for a while now. His Christian parenting book, Raising Them Up, teaches that parenting is about discipleship. Learn the importance of modeling what you’re teaching. Parenting is not about gimmicks but about God. As the dad of a large family himself, this book is great for parents of children of all ages.
3. Family Driven Faith
Voddie Baucham Jr. is a powerful and convicting speaker. In Family Driven Faith, he urges Christian families and churches to return to the truths of the Bible in a culture that is against it. Young people are leaving Christianity at a high rate, and Voddie uses God’s Word to show us how we can parent differently. This is a powerful Christian parenting book full of biblical principles, and I highly encourage you to read it.
4. The Talks
You might think you’re not parents of teenagers and ready for The Talks yet, but authors Barrett and Jenifer Johnson urge you to set the foundation for purity early, both sexually and emotionally. They challenge parents to have conversations with their children early, often, and in more detail than you may have considered. TAs a Christian family, this is a great resource book that you’ll want to reference again and again. I know I will.
What does the Bible say about the role of a mother? To learn more about being a godly mother, check out these 10 characteristics of a good mother according to the Bible.
5. The 5 Love Languages of Children
To be honest, I got this book thinking it would basically be a rewritten version of the original. However, The 5 Love Languages of Children by Dr. Gary Chapman is way more than that! It expresses how speaking or not speaking your child’s love language can affect their behavior and how you discipline them. Full of real-life stories, this book is beneficial in parenting your unique child. It will also give you practical suggestions of how you can communicate your love in a way your child will understand. The principles in this book will have great benefits.
6. Set Free to Choose Right
Set Free to Choose Right is a powerful book written to guide you in helping your preteens and teens make the right moral choices. He intertwines stories with biblical truths to help parents visualize what that looks like in everyday parenting. Josh McDowell’s guidance will help you combat the lie that each person chooses truth for themselves. In this great book, he shows that truth is a result of the very character of God. Be sure to check this one out!
7. Loving Our Kids on Purpose
A must-read for all Christian parents, Loving Our Kids on Purpose by Danny Silk has over 1,300 5-star reviews. With this practical guide, learn to build relationships with your children while also empowering their self-control. This book ties Kingdom principles to revival in a powerful parenting strategy. It is a very insightful book to lay a solid foundation for your parenting.
Best Christian Parenting Books
There you have it! The top Christian Parenting books that I can personally recommend! This list is not exhaustive, and there are certainly other great authors out there, such as Sally Clarkson. However, these are some great ones to get you started. They are firmly written on the truth of God while still full of practical ideas.
Do you have any favorite Christian parenting books that you would recommend? If so, please let me know in the comments. I’d also love to know which book you want to read first.
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