25 Excellent Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily

Did you know that there are so many benefits of reading the Bible daily? As Christians, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God to us. We say we love God, but do you realize that only nine percent of Americans and only one-third of Protestant churchgoers read the Bible daily? 

Why is it important to read the Bible? I will share some verses about reading the Bible as well as all these amazing benefits of reading the Bible.

How can we believe and follow what the Scriptures say if we haven’t even read all of it? I know what a difference reading God’s Word has made in my life, so I want that for you as well. This list is sure to inspire you!

Why Read the Bible?

Before we jump into the benefits, why is it important to read the Bible? We will talk about the numerous reasons that are benefits of daily Bible reading in a bit. However, why else should we read the Bible?

First of all, if we claim to follow Christ, we should want to have a basic knowledge of God, know God’s character, and learn how He has worked His plan through history. We should want to know how He wants us to live in our personal lives.

Also, we should want to hear from Him through His words to us and learn from His wisdom. In a world that tells us truth is whatever we want it to be for ourselves, Jesus reminds us in John 17:17 that it is God’s word that is truth.

So, why should I read the Bible? As we’ll see, there are so many benefits! Even as busy moms, it’s important for us to be spending time with God. You may have to be a bit creative, but that’s okay! It can still happen.

Verse About Reading the Bible

While there is no verse that says, “Read the Bible every day,” there are many verses that speak to the importance of the Word of God and how we should be thinking and meditating on it day and night. Psalm 119 is all about God’s Word! Reading the Bible has the power to change your life from the inside out. The next time you are tempted to stop reading the Bible on a consistent basis, remember these verses.

1. Joshua 1:8

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” (ESV)

Joshua 1:8 written out with background of Bible and coffee

It’s crazy to think that back then they just had the first five books of the Bible. However, in Joshua, we are reminded to meditate on all of it. Not only are we to meditate on it, but do what is written in it. This will have a profound impact on your life!

2. Psalm 119:97

“Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.”

This is another great verse about reading the Bible. It’s a great reminder that we are to meditate on God’s law . . . the Word of God . . . all the day. In fact, Matthew 4:4 reminds us that physical food isn’t all we need, but we also need God’s words to survive. Here are some other verses that remind us of how we should be longing for God and His Word.

3. Psalm 42:1

“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.”

Think about that word picture. What would it be like to have our soul pant after God like a deer for streams of water? What would be the result of that in our lives?

4. Psalm 119:103

“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

Not only should we pant after the Bible, realize how sweet God’s words are to us. They are sweeter than honey. Do you feel like that? Sometimes we go through dry spells, but overall, as we’re in God’s Word we will hunger for it more.

Bible Reading Drops During Social Distancing

5. Hosea 4:6

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”

IIn Hosea, God came down hard on the Israelites for not paying any attention and forgetting His law. It’s a good reminder to us that God wants us to know and follow His Word. We can’t do that if we don’t read the Bible on a regular basis and keep it in our minds and hearts.

Pinnable graphic of woman reading Bible with coffee in hand.

The importance of the Bible in our daily life

As the above Scriptures show us, the Bible needs to be important in our daily lives, although can be hard to discipline ourselves to build this new habit pattern. From the Scriptures, we get our spiritual food, we learn who God is, we learn what God’s truth is, and we reorient our thinking to what God says. Paul told Timothy why Scripture is important. Notice the different areas he mentions and that it equips us for every good work.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily

Why should we read the Bible? What are the benefits of reading the Bible? I have found that amazing things happen when you read the Bible daily, so I want to get into these numerous benefits. 

Now there is no way that this is a comprehensive list, and I would love to hear what other benefits you have noticed as you read on a daily basis. However, I feel that this list will be quite encouraging as you read through it.

My prayer is that you will be inspired to make reading the Bible daily a priority in your own life. Even as busy moms, we can take some time to read God’s Word. We need to take time to read God’s Word so we can live by the truth of God. Now, check out these benefits!

1. God speaks to us through the Bible

The Bible is God’s letter to us. We can’t claim to love God if we don’t even know who He is or what He’s done. We need to read and know God’s Word so we know how He wants us to live. 

2. Wisdom is gained from God’s Word

The Proverbs especially talk about the importance of seeking after wisdom, God’s wisdom. I don’t know about you, but I need all the wisdom I can get! 

3. We learn who God is

The Bible isn’t about us and how we can apply it to our lives. It is about God, His character, His plan, and how we are to glorify Him. By reading the Bible, we can learn all about God.

4. We learn God’s plan of salvation

Did you know that the whole Bible points to God’s plan of salvation? The Old Testament is God working His plan and pointing toward Jesus. The New Testament is pointing back to what Jesus’ death and resurrection mean for us. 

5. Peace

Reading the Bible can not only fill us with peace but reminds us that true peace comes from God. We are to cast all our cares, worries, and anxieties on Him so that our minds are no longer troubled.

6. Model spiritual disciplines to our children

Our children learn so much from how we live. If we say that we follow God, but don’t make the Bible a priority with the habit of daily Bible reading, our kids will realize it’s not really that important to us. By reading the Bible each day, we are showing its importance in life to our children.

7. Solidifies your faith and builds your doctrine

We become firm in our faith when we know what we actually believe and why we believe it. You can’t just go off what your parents taught you or what your pastor says in church. By learning God’s Word, you can know firsthand what He says and what that means for you.

8. Renews our minds

As we fill our minds with the things of God, we will have less desire for the cultural junk of our world. Also, our negative thoughts will be replaced by what God says instead. We will better be able to combat the lies of Satan through the power of God.

9. Learn about your role as a woman, wife, and mom

The Bible has plenty on the topics of being a godly woman, wife, and mom. We can read and be encouraged to fulfill our roles in a God-honoring way. We can be inspired to live God’s way instead of by the world’s standards. 

10. Learn to imitate God 

As we grow in our relationship with God, we are transformed to become more like Him . . . from the inside out! Our actions and thoughts will begin to be more like God. 

11. Corrects us when we sin

The Bible really is the best way to show us sin in our lives and remind us to repent. By reading the Bible, God will work through His Word to help keep us from sin in the first place. We don’t want our sin to separate us from God.

12. Strengthens our faith

Our faith becomes stronger as we trust who God is and that He is in control. We also see Him at work in biblical stories. We see the miracles He does. That will in turn strengthen our faith.

13. Helps us develop and grow spiritually

We grow in our relationship with God as we spend time with Him in the spiritual discipline of reading the Bible daily. God uses this discipline in our lives to draw us closer to Him. We become stronger spiritually and better able to say no to temptations.

14. Gives us what we need to defend our faith

1 Peter 3:15 reminds us to be able to give a reason for our faith but to be careful how we do so. We need to be gentle and respectful. By knowing the Bible, we can recognize lies and combat them with God’s truth.

15. Gives us courage

Our courage grows as our faith grows. Our trust is in an amazing God! As we read the Bible, we see that more and more.

16. Gives us hope and joy

Spending time in the Bible daily reminds us of the hope and joy we have in Christ. Our perspective shifts from this world to eternal matters. Even in tough times, we can find our hope and joy in Him.

17. Reminds us of God’s promises

We constantly need to be reminded of God’s promises because our feelings and the influences of this world often distract us from them or cause us to forget them. By reading the Bible, we are reminded daily of the promises of God.

18. Encourages us to follow Jesus

As we read the words of Jesus, He reminds us that we need to follow Him. There are also stories of men and women of faith who followed Jesus with their whole lives. How inspiring is that as we walk the Christian life?

19. Equips us for every good work

God’s Word gives us what we need for this life, and what we need for whatever He has called us to. As we grow and trust in God, we can step out in obedience in the various ways He has called us to.

20. Learn about our hope of heaven and eternity

We are reminded that this world is not our home. We have an eternal home. Are we living a life focused on the things that matter in eternity? Reading the Bible inspires us to live with purpose and intention.

21. Helps us recognize false teaching

As we grow in our knowledge of God’s Word, we realize when someone is teaching something that is not true according to Scripture. God’s Word is the truth we need to combat Satan’s lies, even if they’re cloaked in a “Christian” message. Just ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

22. Learn to live as Jesus modeled while He was on earth

Jesus was interested in and loved people of all kinds while He was on earth. He spent time investing in His disciples, and He spent much time in prayer. He was always about His Father’s business. That’s how we need to live as well.

23. Gives us instruction in righteousness needed for life

The Bible holds all we need for life and godliness. Isn’t that comforting? You really don’t need to run for all the “self-help” books. Look to see what the Bible says instead.

24. Enables us to combat Satan

The Bible is the sword of the Spirit, used to combat Satan in spiritual warfare. It is our only offensive weapon, and it’s what Jesus used when Satan tried to tempt Him. We need to use it, but in order to use it, we need to know it.

25. God becomes more real in your life

As we spend time in the Bible daily, we see the difference that God is making in our lives. Our thoughts become more godly, our actions more loving, and we become more others-focused instead of selfish as God transforms us. Wow!

Picture of free reading plan

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Daily Scripture Reading

Now that you’ve seen the amazing benefits of reading the Bible, how can you incorporate daily Scripture reading into your own life? If you’re not interested in trying the Bible reading plan above, I have listed a couple of other great options. 

The Bible Recap: A One-Year Guide to Reading and Understanding the Entire Bible by Tara Leigh Cobble. I’ve been using the Bible Recap for part of last year and all of this year. It takes you through the Bible in chronological order, and it’s been amazing!

12-Month THEMED Bible Reading Plan This one is totally free, but you will get extra goodies by signing up for the email list.

12-Month “Gifts from God” Bible Reading Plan If you’re starting small, this plan has monthly themes with a verse each day. You will also receive journaling and coloring pages to go with each month.

Read the Bible in a Year Plan This is perfect if you want to read through the Bible this year. Gorgeous monthly sheets will keep you on track.

24 FREE Bible Study Lessons for Adults This has some other great options for Bible reading plans and studies. Be sure to check them out!

As moms, unless we prioritize our relationship with God, it can easily fall by the wayside. Learn more about growing closer to God. As we grow closer to Him, we become a better wife and mother as well.

Do you struggle with reading the Bible daily? Which benefits of daily Bible reading are you most excited about? I’d love to hear your comments! Daily Scripture reading has so many great benefits that I can’t wait for you to experience for yourself!

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  • Aimee Niblack

    As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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About Author

As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

(11) Comments

  1. Anonymous says:

    thanks for sharing

    1. You’re welcome! Thanks for commenting!

  2. Beautiful post Aimee. A wonderful list of scripture and insight from Him really shows in this post 🙂 For me personally, it was simply changing from the KJV and NKJV version of the Bible to the ESV version of the Bible. I think I just grew up with the KJV/NKJV and as a child ,you just kinda slide by but as an adult I realized that I His word in something I could understand without my Pastor helped me understand and get the benefits from reading His word 🙂

    1. Thank you for your comment, Mark. I grew up the same and have loved experiencing the benefits of reading His Word and growing in faith.

  3. Leonidas Ninyibuka says:

    This message encourages me so much as I am deeply revived on what was my mission in Scripture union and in my church: Letting God’s good news known to people of all ages , helping them to meet God daily by Bible reading and prayer. Thank you so much the word of God is sweeter than honey and it is the way to see that God is real

    1. Thanks for your comment! I pray that God uses you to help others meet God daily.

  4. I’m happy you found it helpful. 🙂

  5. Mrs:Jeraline Cade says:

    First of all I like to thank God for Miss: Betty Steward who sent me this information and I also like to thank you for writing encouraging word of God and how to follow him and by God come in more real to us by reading his word every day thank you very much God bless you and may you continuously do God‘s work and let his will be done in you

    1. Thank you so much!

  6. You got my attention when you said that you can be filled with peace when you read the bible. As you said, it also helps us become firm in our faith. This reminded me of my sister who wanted to understand the bible and gain her much-needed wisdom after. She said that she is interested in reading a translated version so he could easily understand all the writings. I will share this with her.

    1. Yes, it definitely does! Thanks for sharing!

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