10 Simple Habits to Help You Feel Less Stressed as a Mom

When I was a mom with 3 young children, I definitely felt overwhelmed…sometimes much more than others. It was at that time I learned that I was a person who could not say “yes” to much extra stuff. If I was too busy, my stress levels would rise, my mind would always be on the next thing, and I would often lash out at my kids. I was snappy and impatient. How do moms feel less stressed? Let’s talk about some simple habits to help you feel less stressed as a stay-at-home mom. Your children will thank you!

Feel Less Stressed as a Mom

How do I stop being overwhelmed as a mom? you may be wondering. While being a mom definitely has its stresses, there are certain things that you can do, even as a busy mom, to decrease that stress. Chronic stress is not something that you want. Much of the time, even simple things can go a long way in helping you feel less exhausted and burned out. 

Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or some kind of working mom, you will feel times of stress. Daily life has all kinds of stress: household chores, a never-ending to-do list, taking care of your family, and oftentimes not getting enough sleep. It’s time to make some changes and set some healthy boundaries.

In the long run, stress has such negative impacts on you. Stress impacts your immune system, interferes with a good night’s sleep, increases your blood pressure, drains mental energy, and leads to mom burnout. Before stress gets to that point, you wil want to make some changes. I have some great solutions for you.

Stop comparing yourself to other moms

I know it’s easier said than done, but seriously, stop comparing yourself to other moms! This only leads to negative thinking. I guarantee everyone has their areas of struggle. Some are just more obvious than others. 

You are created in a unique and special way. You have your own personality, strengths and weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies. You are a good mom, and you are amazing!

You can’t be perfect

This sorta goes with the above point, but you will never be the perfect mom. I strongly believe we are each a work in progress and can definitely improve. However, striving for perfection in every area of motherhood just won’t work. You don’t have to have the “Pinterest-perfect” birthday party for your one-year-old. It’s okay if you let some things go in order to focus on what’s more important to you. It’s okay if the toys are on the floor when someone comes over if it means you’ve just been making memories with your children…or handling a tantrum. You will feel less overwhelmed if you don’t try to be perfect at it all.

Mom reading bookon a blanket. Feel Less Stressed as a Mom pinnable image

Take care of yourself

Trust me. You won’t be able to take care of your family if you don’t take care of yourself. Are you a mom who is always exhausted? You may feel like you don’t have any time for yourself, but this is important. Here are some ideas for stress relief for moms. You will feel less stressed if you take the time to exercise. Also, make sure you are eating enough healthy foods, getting enough hours of sleep, getting a few minutes of exercise, and taking a little time here and there to do something you enjoy. This could be something like sitting with a cup of coffee or tea, reading a good book while diffusing essential oils, or working on a craft. Read the Bible and pray. Just taking care of yourself will ease the feeling of being overwhelmed and stressed.

Have basic routines in place

I have talked about routines before, but your whole family will have a sense of peace and calm if they generally know what’s going to happen and when. When there’s a change to the normal routine for an extra thing, just give them a heads-up. A basic morning routine and flow to your day will help everyone…especially you. Oh, and make sure that the routine includes a quiet time…for everyone. This will give you alone time to relax when you’re exhausted. 

What does the Bible say about the role of a mother? To learn more about being a godly mother, check out these 10 characteristics of a good mother according to the Bible.

Plan ahead

Planning doesn’t need to be super detailed or anything. However, planning out what you have going on each week, your meals, weekly or monthly goals, vacation time, etc. is a really effective way to help mentally prepare for what’s coming up. You won’t feel so much like you’re winging it all the time, so you will automatically feel less stressed.

Focus on the positives

You heard me. One of the best ways to reduce stress is to focus on the positives. You might not feel like there are many positives when you’re feeling stressed out and exhausted, but I assure you, there are many. As busy moms, we have so much to be thankful for. Start a gratitude journal. Share a positive from your day during dinner and have everyone else do the same. Focus on what you ARE accomplishing or getting done in a day rather than on what you aren’t. These will help change your whole outlook and reduce stress.

Remember this is only a season

Busy seasons do not last forever…I promise! Soon your older children will be able to help out more and more…maybe they could even start to help now. As your children become more independent, a great way to take more off your plate is to help them learn to do laundry and dishes, dust, and clean bathrooms. However, cherish the time when they need you so much because it will be over before you know it! Take one day at a time. 

Less is more

When you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out and having a hard time keeping up, remember that less is more. What activities can you cut out of your life? How can you make things easier for yourself? Do you have social support? 

An excellent way to cut back is to remember that you don’t have to do every activity that comes along. You don’t have to have a playdate for each child or have them each in a lesson or sport of some kind. You can order take-out. You can use dry shampoo for several days (I do it all the time!). If you homeschool your kids, you can take a break…it’s part of the beauty of homeschooling. 

Cutting down will help you feel less overwhelmed and less exhausted. You will be able to cope with other stresses in your life better. Simplifying is such a great tool for overcoming the feelings of stress as a mom.

Prioritize your time

When you are in a busy season of life and feeling overwhelmed, choose what is important to accomplish each day. Try writing down 3 things that must happen and then several other things that you’d like to happen. Spend less time on social media and more time reconnecting with your children. Let some things that aren’t crucial slide until you’re feeling less overwhelmed. 

Get childcare

You certainly don’t need to get others to watch your children all the time, but when you are feeling stressed as a mom, help with child care is a good idea. You can have a family member watch your children, participate in a babysitting swap, or even pay a babysitter. Having someone else to watch your children will also give you a chance for much-needed date nights.

Success Can Happen

You may not be able to incorporate all these stress relief habits at once, but some progress will be better than no progress. Even if it’s slow, success can happen. In time, you will feel less overwhelmed and stressed. You will be less exhausted and more able to enjoy your life and your children. 

Which habit will you try first? What are some other things that help you handle stress? Please comment below. Also, I’d love it if you would subscribe to my email list below.

To read more, check out the following posts:

Why Simplify? 8 Compelling Reasons

7 Key Bible Verses for the Overwhelmed Mom

The Only 3 Tips You Need to Find Time for Yourself as a Mom


  • Aimee Niblack

    As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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About Author

As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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