6 Helpful Tips for Spending Quality Time in Marriage

As stay-at-home moms, we are so busy taking care of our family. Most of our day is spent caring for our children and keeping the house from getting too out of control. However, before there were any children, you chose a man, your husband. It’s so important to prioritize your marriage relationship and spend quality time with your husband.

You’re busy doing your thing as your husband does his thing. He’s gone most of the day and then wants your attention when he gets home, but you feel you just can’t do another thing for another person. You’re utterly exhausted both physically and emotionally from your day. However, your marriage needs quality time to thrive. Regardless of how you feel, it’s important to spend quality time in your marriage.

Why Relationships Need Quality Time

Let me share with you why relationships need quality time. Any relationship needs time together in order to be nurtured and grown. When your relationship has grown to the point of marriage, you can’t just forget about it and expect it to thrive. Relationships continue to need attention and care.

Our relationship with our husbands should be our most important earthly relationship. We are to leave our parents to cleave to our spouse. Raising children is a part of what a marriage couple does, but that’s not forever . . . even if it may seem like it right now when you’re in the trenches. Quality time in marriage will bond you as a couple, increase your communication and satisfaction, and increase your emotional health. Quality time with your husband will also increase health and decrease stress. Besides, couples who spend quality time together will have a decrease in divorce rate.

What is considered Quality Time?

What is quality time with your spouse? You often hear of quality over quantity. The same goes for time. Quality time in marriage is focused and undivided attention toward your spouse for the purpose of deepening and strengthening the relationship. It is a time where you are not distracted, but you are able to focus solely on your husband. Whether or not quality time is your love language, it’s important to prioritize it.

Quality time Examples

What do couples do together? What are ways to spend quality time with your husband? As we’ve seen so far, relationships need quality time in order to grow. We need to take special care in attending to our marriage relationship, and quality time with your husband is a great way to do that. Here are some examples and ideas for quality time.

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Have consistent alone time

Make an effort to spend regular and consistent time alone with your spouse. Quality time examples of alone time would be having a set time each day to talk and share with each other. It could be in the morning over coffee or in the evening when your husband gets home. We take some time each evening after supper to share about our day, talk about our thoughts, and maybe even play a short game.

Do you have a regular date night? This is another example of making an effort to spend quality time together. Even if you can’t get out for a date, there are many stay-at-home date ideas you could use. Sometimes you may need to give up a gal’s night out in order to spend time more time with your husband. He is your priority.

Connect with your spouse throughout the day

Something couples can do in order to keep their relationship strong and connected is to check in with each other during the day if possible. Go ahead. Send your husband a flirty text or meme. Give him compliments. These little things will help us connect more quickly later when we do have more time to spend with one another.

Find a common interest

You may feel like you and your husband have next to nothing in common, or maybe you have many things in common. Strive to find some things you can enjoy doing together or pick something totally new to learn together. You could learn a new game or skill, go walking or hiking together, or plan an adventure to go on. Maybe you just want to read a book together and discuss it weekly.

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Grow your faith together

Growing in faith together is a fantastic way to bond and connect to your husband. Spend time going through a marriage devotional or a book of the Bible together. Pray with and for one another. Be accountable to one another in your personal walks with God. Now, if your husband does not share your faith, you can still spend quality time in many other ways. You may just need to skip this one, at least for now.

Keep quality time in marriage tech-free

Since relationships need quality time, it’s important to keep the “quality” in it. Remember that quality time is undistracted and focused attention on each other. Put away your phone during this time. Don’t keep watching your show while you try to have a conversation. Show your husband that he is the priority during this time.

Have a periodic getaway

If at all possible, have a periodic getaway with your husband. That means no kids! If you don’t live near family this may be more challenging, but maybe you can get away for a night while visiting family or when they come to visit you. Keep the romance alive and invest in your marriage.

Quality Time Challenge

Now that you see why relationships need quality time, know what quality time actually is, and have some quality time ideas and examples, what are you going to do about it? I challenge you to write down three ways you can improve quality time in your marriage. If you already spend consistent quality time with your husband, please share what works for you below. We’d love to know your tips!

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  • Aimee Niblack

    As a mom for 18 years and a mom coach for 2 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

About Author

As a mom for 18 years and a mom coach for 2 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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