How To Renew Your Mind And Be Transformed

How can we renew our minds? As moms, it seems that the world is constantly throwing us new challenges and problems. All of these things seem to pile up on top of each other until we’re not sure how to handle it all. The negativity begins to creep in. The truth is, God wants you to renew your mind and develop the mind of the Lord. Today, I’m going to share some tips for you!

Renewing your mind is not merely about changing how you think; it’s also about the attitudes and actions that will result from those thoughts. It means using the Word of God to think in a different way, with new ideas, perspectives, and insights. Now let’s dive into what it means to renew your mind, Bible verses about renewing your mind, and ways that you can renew your mind!

What Does it Mean to Renew Your Mind?

What is renewing your mind? The Bible talks about how we need to be renewing our minds and renewing our thought life. This means we need to be changing the way we think so that it lines up with God’s word. Learn to recognize negative thought patterns and turn them instead into what God says. We can change our thoughts through Bible study and prayer along with some other ways.

Benefits of Renewing Your Mind

If you’re wondering why you should renew your mind, there are actually many benefits to it. What goes on in your mind affects your emotions and actions, so renewing your mind will help to renew those as well. Here are some benefits for the renewing of the mind:

  • You’ll be able to fight temptation better if you renew your mind with God’s word.
  • Your thinking will change from negative thoughts such as worry and fear to positive thoughts such as faith and hope. 
  • You will be changed from the inside out as the divine power of the Holy Spirit works in your life.
  • You will now have a positive mindset as you’re filled with the truth of God.
  • Renewing your mind gives you purpose and direction.
  • Your faith becomes stronger as you put aside the lies.
  • You learn to respond how God wants you to as God’s thoughts become your thoughts.
  • You will be strengthened with God’s truth to live the Christian life.

Renew Your Mind Bible Verse

Check out these Bible verses that tell you what God says about renewing your mind. As you can see, it’s a pretty important concept! God not only tells us that we need to renew our minds but how to do that as well. He doesn’t leave us to our own understanding!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 ESV

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Philippians 4:8 with flowers to the side

“But that is not the way you learned Christ!—  assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:20-24

 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,” 2 Corinthians 10:5

“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:5-6

How Can I be Transformed by the Renewing of My Mind?

Do you believe that you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind? Yes, it is possible! And there are many ways that you can do this, which we’ll see in a bit. When you have the word of God in your heart, it will change the way you think. Changing how you think will change your actions and emotions, which will transform your life. You can renew your mind by studying the word of God in a systematic way with specific steps that you follow each day.

Renew Your Mind pinnable image of a woman sitting on bed reading her Bible

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How to Renew Your Mind

Now that you’ve seen how important it is to renew your mind, let’s look at some practical steps of how you can actually do that. This is important because the renewal of the mind will renew your life. This isn’t an overnight fix, but change will happen in time if you make the effort to make some changes in your life.

Renew your mind daily

There are several things you can do each day to renew your mind. If you are struggling with negative and/or sinful thoughts, these will help you turn that mindset around.

  • First thing each day, pray over your day and ask God to renew your mind with His word.  By doing this each day, it will help guide what you think about as well as how you respond throughout the day.
  • Read the Bible each day. As you read, ask God to renew your mind and show you things that you need to change in your thoughts.
  • Write out Scripture verses each day and meditate on them. This will help implant the word of God into your mind and heart. It will really help if you memorize these verses and turn them into Biblical affirmations, which is what I do in my own life.
  • Find a good Christian book to read. Reading books by godly authors will help renew your mind with good thoughts and principles.
  • Listen to podcasts or sermons that help you focus on growing in your walk with God. It doesn’t take much effort to listen while you go about your tasks of the day.

Renew your mind from negative thoughts

Take negative thoughts captive! They can be harmful to your mind and soul, causing you to think that things won’t turn out the way they should. God has a plan for you which is good! When Satan comes with one negative thought after another, renewing your mind will help fight back those lies so that God’s truth reign.

If want to know how to renew your mind from negative thoughts, there are a few things you can do:

  • Recognize when bad thoughts come into your mind and name them for what they are.
  • Refuse to entertain the thought or dwell on it.
  • Replace the negative thought with a positive one by choosing to think about the truth of Scripture.
  • Write down your negative thoughts and then pray over them or meditate on Scripture that is corrective for that type of thinking. This will bring the thought under the good work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Turn off the TV when you get home or turn it down and read a book or listen to an audio Bible instead.
  • Listen to Christian music that is encouraging and praises the Lord.
  • Memorize Scripture that specifically deals with the thought patterns you are having. For example, if your old way of thinking is to worry, then meditate on a verse that deals with trusting God.

As moms, unless we prioritize our relationship with God, it can easily fall by the wayside. Learn more about growing closer to God. As we grow closer to Him, we become a better wife and mother as well.

Focus on what God says

We can renew our minds by focusing on what God says. How do you think about yourself? What are your thoughts on God, others, and the situations around you? The renewing of our minds starts by focusing on what God says instead of what culture says.

Who does God say you are? God renews our minds when we change our thoughts to focus on who God says that we are. Turn these into Biblical affirmations in order to focus on God’s truth.

Garbage in, garbage out

Have you ever heard the expression “garbage in, garbage out”? This means that if you put junk into your computer, it will give you back junk. The same thing is true with our minds. If we fill our minds with garbage, that is what we will think about. We need to be careful about the things we watch, listen to, and read.

We renew our minds by filling them with truth, not by filling them with the latest TV show, trashy romance novel, or latest gossip. Philippians 4:8 is a perfect verse to help us weed out what we shouldn’t be filling our minds with. Is it true? Pure? Lovely? Just because your Christian friend watches ____ (you fill in the blank), that doesn’t mean it’s right.

Steps to renewing your mind

Here are some steps to get you started in renewing your mind. We’ve already mentioned some above.

  • Start by renewing your mind with Scripture every day. You can’t go wrong with this one! God’s ways are the only way to truly overcome sin in our lives.
  • Write down and meditate on Bible verses that speak to you. You could start with the ones listed above. Pray that verse over your life with a simple prayer.
  • Take time each day to pray for God’s help in replacing your thoughts with truth.
  • Form a study plan that you will do each week to help renew your mind and encourage yourself in the word of God. See some ideas below.
  • Take a look at what you are allowing into your mind through books, music, movies and shows, and social media. Is it pushing you toward God? If not, it’s time to turn away from such things.

Renewing your mind Bible study

You may want to do a full Bible study on renewing your mind. This could include readings, reflections, and journaling prompts. This can be another way to begin to change the way you think by renewing your mind with God’s truth.

You may also choose to do an actual study. I’ve linked a couple below.

Renewing Your Mind, Victory Series by Neil T. Anderson

The Lies We Believe: Renew Your Mind And Transform Your Life by Dr. Chris Thurman

The Pocket Bible Collection by Harrison House

Be patient as you work on renewing your mind. Renewing your mind is an important part of growing in Christ. As we’ve seen, you can renew your thoughts, beliefs, and habits by asking God for help through prayer and God’s Word. We all have a choice on what we fill our minds with every day – you might as well choose something that will make you grow closer to Him! What are some ways you’ve been able to start changing the way you think about life? Which Bible verse has really encouraged you lately?

You may also find these helpful:

How to Deepen Your Prayer Life: 5 Simple Tips

11 Top Scriptures on the Mind

25 Excellent Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily


  • Aimee Niblack

    As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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About Author

As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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