Best Kids Worship Songs for Your Family to Love

I remember so many songs from when I was a kid. Sometimes I’ll hear a song I haven’t heard in years, but the words will come right back to me just like it was yesterday! Songs have a wonderful way of staying in our minds and even hearts. That’s why it’s important to be careful of the songs your children are mainly listening to and singing. Today I want to give you a list of worship songs to get you started. These kids’ worship songs are perfect for playing while driving or playing.

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Reasons for Kids’ Worship Music

There are many reasons to listen to worship songs. The main reason is that worship music will point your children toward Christ.  However, you will want to make sure the song lyrics are biblically sound by holding them up to biblical truths. Unfortunately, there are some popular songs today that aren’t theologically accurate. Here are some other great reasons for kids’ worship music:

  • Helps your child memorize Bible verses
  • Teaches biblical truths
  • It’s music the whole family can listen to together
  • Offers praise to God
  • The Holy Spirit can work in hearts through songs

Kids Worship Songs

Christian songs are so important to have our children listening to. It’s incredibly easy to only let your child listen to the latest Disney movie songs, but that isn’t drawing him or her toward Christ. Just because a song is popular doesn’t mean it is meaningful. 

Does that mean you should only listen to Christian music? Now that is something between you, your husband, and God that you will have to decide for your family. Some families choose to only listen to Christian music, while others listen to only a small amount. Personally, if the lyrics are clean, I am fine with my kids listening to fun, secular songs. However, this is more the exception rather than the rule. 

There are so many kids’ worship songs out there, so I’ve tried to pick several from different categories to share with you. My prayer is that this will give you the best experience in getting started making your own list of kids’ music. You can try making a Spotify playlist, Prime Music, or a playlist on another platform.

Kids worship songs pinnable image of 4 kids singing and playing musical instruments

Scripture songs

Scripture songs are especially important for our children to listen to. I mean, what better way is there to instill biblical truths into your children than by having them listen to Scripture put to catchy melodies? By listening to God’s Word over and over, they will take it with them for the rest of their lives. These songs are good for kids of all ages . . . and even us as adults!

Seeds Family Worship has many great Scripture songs. Do Not Be Anxious is a great Scripture song for kids to learn. However, there are many different albums you can get.

Hidden in My Heart is another great series for learning Bible verses set to song. Many of these are more in lullaby form.

Hide ‘Em In Your Heart is a 2 volume set by Steve Green. This is all Bible verses as well. My kids have really loved these.

Preschool worship songs

I clearly remember singing songs in Sunday school class each week as a preschool and school-aged child. Many of these songs had hand motions or even whole-body movements to go along with the song. Some of my favorite songs are still sung in Sunday schools today.

Here are some great preschool or Sunday school worship songs that even a little child can learn. Some of these have fun hand motions! I’ve tried to attach YouTube videos for each song that are fun for kids.

  • Jesus Loves Me is probably one of the most common Sunday school songs. It seems to be one that most kids who have gone to church know.
  • Father Abraham is such a fun song. It’s also a great way for kids to get out some energy!
  • The B-I-B-L-E tells us that God’s Word is truth we can stand on.

Praise songs

Now, whether these songs are really the “best” is a matter of opinion. However, I’ve tried to choose praise songs that are favorites of my children or locally popular. I know this isn’t an exhaustive list, but hopefully it will get you started in finding songs your family loves as well.

  • Way Maker reminds us of who God is, even in tough times. It’s one of my favorites.
  • Awake My Soul tells us the only response we can really have to God is praise and worship.
  • King of Kings is such a beautiful song. I chose this amazing rendition from 9-year-old Clara Mae. It will blow you away!
  • Yes, I Will tells us that we can choose to lift up the name of Jesus no matter what is going on in our lives.
  • No Other Name is one I recently learned. I love it because not only is it catchy, but it really puts the praise on Jesus and not on us.
  • Who You Say tells about our identity in Christ. I love the lines, “I am chosen, not forsaken. I am who You say I am. You are for me, not against me. I am who You say I am.” In a world that tells us to find our identity in the wrong things, this song is a great reminder.
  • Death was Arrested reminds us of the grace that is in Christ and how we are no longer slaves to sin.

Upbeat worship songs

Upbeat worship songs are popular at vacation Bible school and summer camps. Anyone who has ever worked in children’s ministry knows that kids love an upbeat song they can dance moves to!

  • Battle Belongs to You is one of my 11-year-old’s favorite songs. I hope your kids love this reminder that the battle is God’s whether they’re facing fear or struggle.
  • Praise is a new song that our church just started singing. I couldn’t find a kids’ video yet, but here is one by the original singers. It’s a great reminder to praise the Lord for everything!
  • Every Move I Make is such a fun, upbeat worship song that kids love! It reminds us that the only reason we can move or breathe is because of God.
  • You Are Good tells us that God is good, even when everything else is going crazy. His goodness doesn’t depend on circumstances.
  • Stand Strong, Hold On is one that was a favorite of my kids about 12 years ago! My youngest kids recently found it and have been playing it on repeat.

Traditional hymns

Classic hymns are timeless and provide great doctrinal truths. I feel that it’s important to not forget about hymns in our quest to listen to the newest great song. Some of these songs are traditional hymns with a modern twist.

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Hymns are well known for being filled with doctrinal truth. Also, hymns tend to put the focus of the song more on God and Jesus and less on us. Whether your church sings hymns are not, they are great for kids to learn.

  • Amazing Grace is probably the most well-known hymn of all time. However, really take a close listen to the words. It’s so powerful!
  • How Great Thou Art is another great hymn filled with the truths of Christianity. I highly recommend having your children learn this one.
  • Because He Lives tells us what makes Christianity so special. We serve a RISEN savior!!
  • Holy, Holy, Holy reminds us of how holy God truly is. He is the One who deserves our praise.
  • Jesus Paid it All is fairly common. It really reminds us of what Jesus did for us on the cross. It’s easy to take salvation for granted, especially if you grew up hearing of it.

Children’s Worship Songs

Worship songs really are a fantastic way to learn the truths of the Word of God. Our Heavenly Father loves our praise and worship music is a wonderful way to offer that to Him. Worship music is also a great way to help our children learn actual Scripture. If you aren’t listening to kids’ worship music in your home yet, I encourage you to get started today!

What are some of your kids’ favorite worship songs? How do you incorporate worship music into your home? Let me know in the comments.

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  • Aimee Niblack

    As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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About Author

As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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