Summer Bible Studies for Kids

Summer is often a more relaxing time full of hours in the sun or at the pool, family vacations and day trips, and visits to the local farmer’s market and ice cream shop. We get into a new summer routine and try to find the balance between letting our kids do whatever and having them do at least some profitable activities. Because of this, summer is the perfect time to introduce and teach your kids new chores and habits or help them learn a skill that they don’t have time to work on during the school year. However, time in the Bible should be a priority all throughout the year. It’s important for our kids to learn to read and study God’s Word for themselves, so that’s why I have some great summer Bible study ideas for kids to get them into the Bible.

Before we jump into specific ideas, I’d love to talk about some ways we can get our families to study the Bible together and ways to help and encourage your kids to read and study the Bible on their own. As moms, we are responsible before God to raise our children to love and obey Him, however, we can’t force our children to follow God. There will come a point when they need to choose for themselves. We can only give them the tools and the knowledge of how to go about building their own, personal relationship with God.

How Do I get my Family to Study the Bible?

If you have never spent time as a family reading or studying the Bible before, then getting your family to sit down with God’s Word will take some adjustment and commitment. As you’re starting into a new routine for summer, it’s the perfect time to schedule in family Bible study time. Whether it’s in the morning or evening or some time in between, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you find a time that works and make it a priority. Let’s discuss some helpful tips so you know how to get your family to study the Bible together.

  • Plan. We just talked about this a bit, but plan out a time that will work for you. You will also want to plan an activity or list of activities your little ones can do during this time. Coloring, looking at a picture Bible, or doing a puzzle are great quiet activities they can do while listening in.
  • Bring Bibles. Have each child bring their own Bible to follow along and review the passage as you ask questions. Maybe you even want to have the older ones take turns reading.
  • Kid involvement. I need to improve on this one! Ask them to summarize what was read. One tip is to start with the youngest and let the oldest go last. This way, each child can build on what was already said. You could also have them take turns different days. Maybe use a plan with guided questions to ask about the passage or come up with your own in order to facilitate conversation. Have your children talk about something they learned.
  • Mix it up. The Bible isn’t boring but is God’s amazing letter to us! Keep it interesting for your kids by letting them hear your passion. Try different methods of study or a different format to your Bible study time together. Maybe introduce a book of the Bible by having everyone watch the summary video by the Bible Project. Highlight different characteristics you learn about God, or a theme that you notice. There are many possibilities.

How can Kids Study the Bible?

If you think that kids can’t study the Bible, you’re wrong. Their young brains are sponges, making it the perfect time for them to memorize verses and discuss what the verses mean. As soon as they can read, they can read a few verses and think about what they mean. They can learn to notice what those verses teach them about God, man, how God wants us to live, etc. Below, I have some great ideas to get you started as you teach your children to get into the Bible for themselves.

Picture of mom pointing out a Bible verse to her excited son. Pinnable image for Summer Bible Study Ideas for Kids.

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  • Model. If you haven’t made time in God’s Word a priority, then neither will your children. Use an actual Bible when possible instead of just your phone. I’m totally guilty of this, especially if I’m just looking up a verse quickly. Let them see you reading and studying God’s Word.
  • Teach. Talk to your children about the importance of the Bible as a Christian and why we need to read and know it. Talk about the benefits of being in God’s Word daily. Tell them that it’s how we learn about God, about man, and about God’s plan of salvation.
  • Give. Give each child their own Bible, especially when they are reading age. Show them how to use it, where the dictionary and/or concordance are, and any other special features it may have.
  • Devotional. It’s often helpful to give your child an age-appropriate devotional or even just a simple reading plan to guide them as they read.
  • Practice. The more your children practice, the better they will learn the Books of the Bible and how to find verses. There are some great songs for learning the Books of the Bible. “Sword drills” are fantastic for practicing finding verses. You could include this during your family Bible study time. Basically, you state the reference of a verse (they could follow a theme) and say, “Go!” The first one to find it holds his or her Bible in the air, keeping their finger in the spot. Then they read the verse aloud for everyone.

What does the Bible say about the role of a mother? To learn more about being a godly mother, check out these 10 characteristics of a good mother according to the Bible.

Children’s Bible Study

As we’ve seen, children can definitely study the Bible for themselves with some guidance from us, and there are definitely great studies and tools available. While the studies below are perfect for summer, they can certainly be used anytime. Do you have a favorite kid’s Bible study your family has done?

Bible studies for kids

Let’s strive to help our kids grow in their faith and relationship with God this summer. Some of these studies are geared for a certain age, but some are great for the whole family to be involved. My prayer is that you’ll be inspired to do one of these summer Bible study ideas for kids or look for something similar to do with your kids this summer!

1. Not Consumed Family and Kids Bible Studies

Not Consumed Family and Kids Bible Studies are fantastic! There are many kid and family Bible studies on the Not Consumed website. She even has different workbooks for different age groups and audio dramas to go along with the main theme. We did “My Brother’s Keeper” last summer, and it was fabulous! This summer we’re doing “The Fruit of the Tongue.”

2. How to Study the Bible, For Kids

How to Study the Bible, For Kids by Kay Arthur is a fabulous Bible teacher with a great passion for God’s Word. She has several of these studies geared toward kids, so definitely check them out.

3. Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids

Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids is a pretty simple and straightforward way to get younger kids into God’s Word with a short Scripture and question. Perfect for getting your child into reading the Bible.

4. Minding Your Mouth: A Biblical Study on Taming the Tongue

Minding Your Mouth: A Biblical Study on Taming the Tongue is another great one. Maybe this jumped out at me since we’re dealing with this quite a bit in our family, but this is a 10-lesson study that comes with extras like coloring pages and Scripture cards.

5. Focus on the Family Summer Adventure Kits

Focus on the Family Summer Adventure Kits are super fun for summer. There are a few different options here, but they look like so much fun for Bible “adventure” with your kids this summer!

6. The Dig for Kids: Proverbs

The Dig For Kids: Proverbs is a great example of The Dig for Kids. There are quite a few of these available, which cover different books of the Bible. This would be perfect if you want to pick a “book of the Bible” study for this summer.

Bible Studies for Preschoolers

Some of the above options can include preschoolers as well as your older kids, but the following options are more geared toward the younger kiddos. As I mentioned earlier, our young ones are soaking up so much as they grow, so we need to make Bible study a priority.

Now you have some summer Bible study ideas for your kids as well as ways to encourage your whole family to study the Bible together. How do you get your children into God’s Word? Do you study the Bible together as a family? Please comment below.

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  • Aimee Niblack

    As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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As a mom for 19 years and a mom coach for 3 years, Aimee shares her expertise with young Christian moms via her blog and coaching business.

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