This world is sometimes crazy, especially lately. With all the unknowns, differing medical and political views, and different ideas of what’s being handled right or wrong, it’s hard to know what to think…or who to believe. There’s so much conflicting information out there. However, should we really be focused on these things? How does God want us to live? That’s what we should be concerned about. The Bible has plenty to say about how we should live our lives.
Yes, the times are crazy, but if you have been a Christian for a while, didn’t you know that we have been in training for this since the beginning? Throughout the Bible are verse upon verse about loving those around us, about living in unity, and about loving God. Jesus Himself said the whole law hinges on loving God and loving others. You have probably heard a million sermons on the topic. Let’s focus on how God wants us to live.
How should we Live our Lives according to the Bible?
So, how should Christians live? Let’s look at a quick history of Christianity and then move on to some specific Bible passages that have a lot to say about how Christians should live. I’m not going to cover everything the Bible says on this topic, but hopefully it will be enough to inspire you to focus more on how God wants us to live versus what culture is telling us to focus on.
Quick history
Let’s do a quick recap. Jesus took our sin upon Himself when He died on the cross. Three days later He rose again. Our God defeated sin and death! Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16:18 that He would build His Church (big C, not little c), and the very gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against it.
Then, before He went back to heaven, He told His disciples to go and make disciples of ALL nations…teaching them what they had learned from Jesus. He promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to help them. The disciples obeyed and began spreading the Gospel. Paul is one of those disciples who took the Gospel of Jesus to many cities and even countries. His focus was on telling people about Jesus everywhere he went. He lost friends over it, he was shipwrecked because of it, and he was even beaten, stoned, and put in prison. In Philippians 1, Paul tells us that the most important thing is that Christ is preached.
So, how is the Gospel preached when we’re focused solely on whether our American rights are at risk? How is Christ preached when we’re arguing about whether or not we should wear masks or who would be the best next president? How is the love of Jesus shown when we’re focused on what we can and can’t do? Should some of these topics be discussed and steps taken to address them? Yes, for sure! However, when these things begin to affect relationships, turn our focus outward instead of upward, and affect how we’re living, then we’ve gone the wrong way.
Bible verses about how to live your life
As I mentioned above, the Bible has plenty to say about how to live a godly life and what behaviors should be exemplified in a Christian. Rather than look at only specific verses, I want to point out several whole chapters of the Bible that address how God wants us to live. Definitely go take the time to read the chapters if you can.
Romans 12
- Love genuinely
- Forsake evil and hold to good
- Love one another
- Outdo one another in showing honor
- Serve fervently and with zeal
- Rejoice in hope
- Patience in tribulation
- Pray constantly
- Contribute to the needs of others
- Show hospitality
- Bless those who are against you
- Live in harmony with one another
- Don’t be prideful
- Do what is honorable
- Overcome evil with good
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12:10 ESV
Ephesians 4
- Walk in a manner worthy of your calling
- Be humble
- Be gentle
- Show patience
- Bear with one another in love
- Maintain unity
- Build up others
- Speak the truth in LOVE
- Put on your new life in Christ
- Put away bitterness and anger
- Be kind to one another
- Forgive as God forgave you
“Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24
As moms, unless we prioritize our relationship with God, it can easily fall by the wayside. Learn more about growing closer to God. As we grow closer to Him, we become a better wife and mother as well.
Colossians 3
- Set your mind on heavenly things, not earthly
- Put away sin
- Be compassionate
- Show kindness
- Be humble and meek
- Show patience
- Bear with one another
- Forgive one another as the Lord has forgiven you
- Above all, put on LOVE
- Let Christ’s peace rule your heart
- Be thankful
- Do all in the name of Jesus
“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:12-14
2 Timothy 2
- Keep focused on God’s agenda
- God’s word is not bound!
- Don’t be quarrelsome
- Pursue righteousness, faith, and peace
- Pursue LOVE
- Be kind to everyone
- Patiently endure evil
- Correct with gentleness
“So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:22-26
How should Christians Live?
Looking back at the lists above, what should our focus be? How do we live a godly life? If someone else is not responding in a loving way, forgive them, and love them anyway. Study the “one
The opportunities are endless if we just take time to see what Jesus sees. Share encouraging verses, tell your neighbor or family member how God has helped you during a tough time. Keep an eternal perspective and try to not be so distracted by earthly things. Philippians 3:20 reminds us that our citizenship is in heaven. This world is only temporary. Spend time in prayer and pursue righteousness.
Focus on how God wants us to live. Let’s be a tool in His hand and not a distraction. Focus on sharing the love of Jesus and living in a way honoring to Him.
What helps you keep your focus on how God wants us to live? Please comment help and encouragement below.
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