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6 Helpful Tips for Spending Quality Time in Marriage
As stay-at-home moms, we are so busy taking care of our family. Most of our day is spent caring for our children and keeping the house from getting too out of control. However, before there were any children, you chose a man, your husband. It’s so important to prioritize your marriage relationship and spend quality…
10 Tips on How to Grow Sibling Relationships For Life
Why is it that we tell our children over and over that we are to love, respect, and be kind to each other and there’s still fighting . . . over EVERYTHING! Our homes are where we are to practice people skills and practice loving as Jesus loves, but for some reason, it sometimes feels…
10 Helpful Tips to Be More Patient in Parenting
It happens over and over again, even though you say you’ll do better next time. You’re running late for an appointment and your son can’t find his shoes. The baby is crying and you just lose it. You scream at your preschooler, “How many times do I have to tell you to put your shoes…
10 Simple Habits to Help You Feel Less Stressed as a Mom
When I was a mom with 3 young children, I definitely felt overwhelmed…sometimes much more than others. It was at that time I learned that I was a person who could not say “yes” to much extra stuff. If I was too busy, my stress levels would rise, my mind would always be on the…
How to Raise Godly Children: 9 Top Tips
You just had a baby and you realized you had no idea what you were getting into! Perhaps you’ve been doing this parenting thing for a few years, but you’re just realizing how important what you’re doing is, and you’re feeling overwhelmed by the impossible task and responsibility of raising godly children. Sometimes people say that…
How to Choose an Intentional Word of the Year for 2025
I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions, but sometimes I would think about a few things I’d like to improve on. However, quite a few years ago I heard about the idea of choosing a word of the year, and I immediately fell in love with the idea. Choosing one intentional word of the year is a…